
Ever  since we started carrying these mannequins they have become so popular, we frequently have them on backorder.Their bustline ranges from 35″ – 40″, which makes it obvious why they are so popular. Here are some of the G rated things that people have done with these mannequins.

 1 To simulate the Hooter’s experience at their party, frat house or business establishment. All they need is a wig and a Hooter’s uniform which can be purchased at

2 To use them as convincing saleswomen, even though they are silent. The owner of a Bar-B-Q joint in Ohio bought a similiar style mannequin, dressed her in Daisy Dukes and placed her in front of his restaurant holding a sign advertising the daily specials. He said he sales went up 40% – in one week!


3 To have them as objects of affection. Ever since Pygmalion first made eyes at Galatea, mannequins have been the refuge of men who prefer their women silent and submissive, dummies by name and by nature.

The Thirties sculptor Lester Gaba was the most unashamed upholder of this tradition, becoming so attached to one mannequin that he took her around with him. His plaster love interest, Cynthia, was the toast of Manhattan, showered with jewels from Cartier and Tiffany, and a star at all the right parties, despite not having much to say for herself.



You can find these and other mannequins for sale at

