If you have had limited success with marketing your business using Facebook, you are not alone. I’ve tried numerous times, hired consultants to help me, taken countless seminars and I still don’t get a lot of business with Facebook. On my Facebook fan page, I get comments, spam and solicitations, but not much business. With all the hype about Facebook it is easy to forget that there are many other ways to market your business online.

The book, “Visual Marketing – 99 proven ways for small businesses to market with images and design” and is full of all kinds of creative and inexpensive marketing ideas to grow your business. Each of the 99 examples in the book are from actual business owners who have successful implemented the ideas. Many of the business owners profiled in the book have niche businesses.

Marketing Tips for the Small Business Owners

The book is a quick read, the 99 ideas are in the format of “mini cases studies” only two pages in length. Most of the case studies involve a mix of online and offline marketing strategies. So whether you are a novice with social media or an early adapter, there will be something of value to you. Once again what makes the book special is it is from actual business owners who have had success with a particular marketing strategy.

(Disclaimer:Mannequin Madness is one of the businesses owners in the book. I don’t earn a commission for recommending the book, it is actually a book I would have bought, even if I did not get a free copy.)
