How to Use Oversized Photographs In Retail Windows to Attract Attention

I saw this posting on The Window Display blog, one of my favorite resources for the latest trends and creative ideas of window displays. The author of the blog is based in London and showcases the window displays from high end retailers. This post shows how to use oversized photographs to enhance window displays.

I like the ideas presented here because this is something that retailers with smaller budgets could emulate. And of course we like the windows with the juxtaposition of the mannequins and the photograph. We can’t help you with the photographs but we can sell you a new or used mannequin 

This post looks at two things that I love: photography and visual display. I’ve always loved the 3 dimensional play between the backdrop, the oversized props, the mannequins, the text on the glass.. I find windows are often artistic and playful, where as a fashion photograph with a model gazing into the viewer’s eyes, can can stimulate a much more subtle yet a strong emotional message about the brand.

The advertising shots are usually the epitome of the marketing campaign so no wonder brands are using them in their windows. Large-scale photographs are most often used as backdrops, whether to set the scene with a location image or as a pure advertising shot.  During my window walks I discovered  innovative uses of merchandise and other elements in the windows that make the photographs seem a lot more three-dimensional

