These window displays by Lanvin are some of the finest example of street theatre. Their windows make us go “wow” because they are so filled with emotion and drama they draw you in.

They have the right lighting and signage and the perfect props to accompany the mannequins that are in the perfect pose to execute the theme.



So many retailers think that only a mannequin standing upright in a military style pose is the only way to showcase a garment. Isn’t this display much more interesting because the mannequin looks like she is sunbathing?



We love these windows because they have elements that retailers on any budget could mimic. Most of the windows just have a chair, a rich fabric as background, great lighting and mannequins in dramatic poses like the ones we have here at Mannequin Madness



This guy looks like he is having a blast listening to music on the gramophone.
This is our least favorite window, but love her necklace! 
Since most male mannequins are in a seated, not reclining position we think they might have rigged this mannequin with an assortment of parts to create this look. That pose combined with the mirror, make all the difference in this window
