We have over a decade of experience in searching for the best products (at the cheapest price) that will make a mannequin that has “been around the block” – look good. 1 We  recycle mannequins for retail chains when they remodel stores and need to toss out their old mannequins. These mannequins are still in good condition, just a few seasons out of date. So we turn around and sell these mannequins to people who are happy to get a designer or vintage mannequin at a discount price. 2But sometimes the mannequins need a little TLC to refresh them and the best product for that is Mr Clean Magic Erasers. 3 We call the pads Botox for mannequins. Quick Tip: Cut up one eraser block into four little blocks. It’ll make your purchase last longer, and, it’ll make it easier for you to get into smaller nooks and crannies. 4 These pads are truly magical. While they can’t repair a broken mannequin they can do just about everything else. Removes scuffs, dirt, scratches, grease – you name. it. It is amazing how refreshed a mannequin looks after a rubbing with Mr Clean. Check out this video of a member of our staff
