The right hat display does more than simply hold the shape of the hat. It can completely enhance and transform the look of the hat. Gone are the days of displaying a hat on a generic white styrofoam wig head or a hook on grid wall.

We sell a lot of head forms at Mannequin Madness. Here are 7 of the most popular ones. Note: most of these have a neck area long enough to also display necklaces or scarves.

1 These hat forms are space savers because they mount on the wall. (They are gender neutral)


2 For those who like a realistic looking head/hat form this one is very popular. We have a male equivalent.


Whether you are displaying hats for sale in your retail store or are displaying your personal collection of hats in your closet/dressing area, we have a variety of stylish hat forms in addition to these for sale at Mannequin Madness.

3 This style is popular because it comes in a variety of colors  – also available in a male version.


4 This chrome hat dome appeals to the minimalist (and is gender neutral)

45 This wire form (also gender neutral) doesn’t have the “personality “ as the other hat form display  but at $20, it is the economical upgrade from a styrofoam head.

56 This Art Deco inspired head  form will add drama and flair to whatever hat you are displaying


7 And speaking of drama, we have several styles of hat forms with elongated necks. Kinda look like swans.


Click these links to see our entire selection of female and male hat/head forms. Sometimes we have used hat forms here.

We have  this Pinterest board devoted to head display forms with creative ways people use mannequin heads to display hats an other items.
