This is continuation of the post we wrote yesterday and on the 10 top reasons why adults love Halloween.

Martha Stewart is a big fan of Halloween and is credited for making Halloween decor and costumes more upscale.

She features Halloween tips on her tv show, devotes an entire issue of her magazine to Halloween, has a Halloween guidebook and has a section on her website about Halloween crafts, foods, costumes and decor


Given that we sell new and used mannequins, we love the Halloween decorations Martha Stewart creates using mannequins or mannequin limbs, like photos we have included in this post.


And all of the DIY costumes that Martha created or that we have on our DIY Halloween Costumes board on Pinterest could be displayed on a mannequin.

In addition to folks like Martha promoting Halloween, here are the additional 6 reasons why adults love Halloween besides the 5 we mentioned yesterday.

6 No pressure to travel to get away to celebrate the occasion. Unlike the summer months where you fight the hordes to go to the beach or the winter months were you trudge through bad weather to get away – Halloween is primarily a local affair.



7  Halloween offers lots of opportunities to express your creativity – home decorating, haunted house, costumes, pumpkin carving. (have you seen all the Pinterest Boards devoted to Halloween?  we have 3 – one for Halloween displays, one for DIY Halloween costumes and one for Pumpkin decorations



8 On the Oprah website, the Reverend Ed Bacon said, “When we become playful about Halloween, accessing our inner child, we can for a few hours pretend to be someone else or something else or some animal. That choice may reveal where our souls or personalities are this particular year; it may be simple whimsy. ”



9 Halloween is perceived as a secular celebration, open to all people of all ages and flexible enough to adapt to the prevailing cultural current. It can be a G rated family event or an X-rated debauchery affair.


The shift from children’s to adult holiday can be traced to the 1970s, when Halloween street festivals in several gay neighborhoods in the U.S. began to transform into adult parties featuring lavish and over-the-top costumes.

In the mid-1980s, Halloween gained even more traction among adults, helped by the Coors Brewing Company, who ran an ad campaign featuring TV horror host Elvira.

How will you be celebrating Halloween this year?
