Al’s Garden Center in Sherwood, Oregon is a huge place and always has fabulous displays.
They took an old mannequin and paper mache’ed over it and surrounded it with props. 
You might ask, what does a mannequin surrounded by suitcases have to do with a garden? Shouldn’t the mannequin be clad in an apron, have a shovel in her hand and be surrounded by watering cans or something related to gardening? That would be the traditional approach.
But that is what makes this display eye-catching – it not traditional and it showcases the creativity of the store. It conveys that this is a fun, whimsical place to shop. I can get something unusual for my garden here that I can’t find a a big box garden center.
We love it when people email use photos of mannequins used in non-traditional ways. This photo came courtesy of Linda Cahan, a Portland based Visual Design Consultant. Linda always has a good eye for recognizing what type of displays can help a retailers sell more merchandise.