These male mannequins in sports poses that we just got in stock are very popular with retailers in the athletic industry. We have mannequins that are skiing, golfing, running and playing soccer.

Golfing Mannequin
Golfing Mannequin

Running Mannequin
Running Mannequin

Skiing mannequin
Skiing mannequin

We also have mannequins that look like body builders.

Body Builder Mannequins
Body Builder Mannequins

Mannequin in Yoga Pose
Mannequin in Yoga Pose

We even have bendable mannequins that you can pose into any position you want. One customer had the mannequin hanging from a trapeze!

For some reason the vast majority of the sports mannequins on the market are male mannequins. Initially all the female mannequins we have in athletic poses were in yoga poses, but recently we have added some other sports poses which you can find here.