Our mannequin bone yard has been a resource for lots of mosaic artists who looking for distressed mannequins and mannequin parts to create projects like this one by Bay Area artist Laurel Skye.

We have a board on Pinterest devoted to Mosaic Mannequins and Mannequin Art to showcase projects that artists from all over the world have done with distressed mannequins. It is the latest trend in upcycling.

Many people underestimate how difficult it can be to mosaic a mannequin with all of its curves versus a flat surface like a stepping stone.
So we found this really cool video on Pinterest from an artist in the UK, showing step by step instructions on how to mosaic a mannequin.
We have no idea how accurate this video is, so before you try it yourself, you might want to consult with someone with experience.

Send us photos of your art projects with mannequins so we can post them here – and we will link to your website/email if you provide that info.