Adel Rootstein, the company founder, was truly pioneer in the mannequin industry. She changed the way mannequins were designed and she was for a long time the only woman in male dominated industry.

Adel changed the way mannequins were manufactured so that they were easier for female visual merchandisers to handle. Previously they were bulky figures (weighing over 100 pounds)

But what I truly appreciate is the racial/ethnic/size diversity she had with mannequins.

She was the first mannequin companies to produce African American mannequins for high fashion window displays. As well as Asian male mannequins like this one.

This is Daisuke is from the Partners Series, circa 1998. I don’t know anything about the real life Daisuke. Based on his name I am going to guess that he is of Japanese descent.

The Series featured global young adults with the option of having clasped hands with all models side by side holding hands and forming a semi circular pattern.

My personal favorite Rootstein couple is from the Girlfriend & Loverboy series here.

If you want to buy a Rootstein mannequin, we frequently have used ones for sale here. You can also sign up to receive an email the next time we get more used Rootstein mannequins in stock or follow us on Facebook.
