
Crafting with Mannequins


With the proper wiring hardware a full body mannequin (with or without a head) can be upcycled into an attention-grabbing floor lamp. Here are a few examples to show you how exciting they can be. We hope you’ll be inspired to consider making one for yourself.

These are from our Pinterest board where we scour the internet for the best DIY projects made with mannequins.

1 Let’s start with seated mannequins – “his” and “her” mannequins. The seated male with an oversized gold lampshade conveys the height of masculinity…perfect for a bachelor pad.

Used mannequins and mannequin parts are a budget friendly way to decorate for Halloween. And after Halloween is over, you can use the mannequins for what they were originally intended for – displaying your clothing or jewelry.

Here are some of our favorites from our Halloween displays board with mannequins on Pinterest. If you like these ideas, we have used mannequins for sale at Mannequin Madness.

1 Mannequin hand