If you own a retail store and wa

A small investment of a mannequin Mannequins are not just clothes hangers – they are silent salespeople that can draw people into your store. Many retailers miss the boat when they think that mannequins are just for retail clothing stores. Here are 10 ways that some of our customers – non of whom are clothing vendors – have used mannequins to create captivating window displays – results in more sales.

Create a little theatre to make your store more eye-catching and imaginative.

The importance of mannequins in establishing the brand for your online store or retail store, cannot be stressed enough. Even if you are not selling clothing – mannequins can be used to convey a feeling or action.

What is the first thing that people see when they walk by your store?  Your windows. Outside of good lighting, they need to see something that tells them about the product – either what they will look like in the clothing or how to use the product.   (also use this for clothing stores)

Travel Agency –

had a mannequin with a woman lying on a “beach” and props that symbolized being in Hawaii.

After Xmas, had a tired Santa Claus stretched out what appeared to be a first class airline seat.

Hardware store

-Had a BBQ scene with a mannequin standing by a BBQ grill – wearing or using all the related items (apron, grilling tools, charcoal, chairs
– BBQ store (ohio guy)

-Bath store. Had a mannequin lounging in a tub surrounded with all the items they sell – stacked around it (see photo)

-Motorcycle store – Had a big busted female mannequin standing next to the bike, wearing her “boyfriend’s” bike gear that the store sold. Although most of the store’s customers are male

-Pet store – in addition to using dog mannequins. Why not a mannequin holding a lease with a dog mannequin and also having all realted gear ( dog carrier

-Florist – had a mannequin each week in a different bridal gown – floral displays matched the gown (elegant, bohemian,)  

– Make a political statement – Increase of stores using African American mannequins to symbolize Obama and/or Michelle

(sout of your store)