This image looks so realistic it is hard to believe it is a mannequin.

Our new product line, cardboard mannequins, are life sized one dimensional surfaces. They are cheaper and lighter than conventional fiberglass  mannequins.

We initially starting carrying them so our customers who manage large venues could use them to address social distancing needs.

But there is another benefit of these mannequins. While you cannot dress/undress them like traditional mannequins to display items you  have for sale.

What you get instead is the opportunity to get a mannequin in likeness of yourself or a loved one. How cool is that?

It is like when movie theaters put the image a star or superhero of on a cardboard mannequin in the lobby so moviegoers can take a photo op.  Now YOU get to be the star. 

I intentionally included African American images in the blog post because you rarely see African American mannequins in daily life.

So the mannequin can be used as decorative prop, as a gift item, as signage or as a stand in at a zoom wedding.
