The cosplay community and Mannequin Madness have always had a great relationship. We love to showcase their creativity and they love to buy our used mannequins so they can display their costumes.

Recently we have discovered several designers who specialize making cosplay themed garments and they are using mannequins, torsos or dress forms, not only for display purposes but as a mold.

One of our faves is Tiffany Gordon Cosplay who is a costume /prop fabricator and educator on Youtube. She does some amazing work, like the breastplate above.

Tiffany has a collection of how to videos on her YouTube channel. This one caught our attention because a customer came to our warehouse specifically looking for a fiberglass torso that was similar in style to the one that Tiffany has in the video. We had a used torso for just $40 that was perfect for her needs.

Check out the video to see learn how it is made.
