There are so few mannequin repair companies around anymore (Modern Mannequin in Texas and Redbeau Mannequins in Georgia) that many mannequin collectors are doing their own repairs.

We sell a few replacement parts for mannequins (hands, connector pieces, stands,) at Mannequin Madness. And we curated a list of “How To Repair” guide from our blog here and we a Youtube playlist for mannequin repair tutorials HERE. We don’t do repairs ourselves, so we can’t vouch for any of the information you read or watch, but the feedback we have received from others, makes us pretty confident in the accuracy.

On the Facebook group Vintage Mannequins, many of the members have years of experience repairing mannequins. Recently there was a discussion about which is product is better for repairing cracks in the fiberglass – epoxy or car body filler. There was not a consensus but lots of discussion about the pros/cons of each material.

Here is the original post and the comments so you can read and make your own choice.
