Currently 90% of the mannequins on the market are made out of materials that do not biodegrade. Mannequins are traditional made out of fiberglass or plastic with metal fittings and a glass or metal base. But I just heard that Bonaveri, a mannequin company based in Italy, has released a mannequin collection made from natural and biodegradable materials.

According to the Bonaveri website: “It has been a difficult path full of surprises, but thanks to commitment and expertise we are able to offer our customers a product which is environmentally conscious and aesthetically impeccable.”

There aren’t any prices listed on their website, so we can’t compare the cost of this sustainability collection with the traditional mannequins they sell. Fingers crossed that the price is competitive, or less expensive.

In the meantime, one alternative to eco-friendly mannequins is to purchase ones that are second hand, so that they life span of the mannequin is extended.  I am not referred to a beat up mannequin with missing parts that you might find on Craigslist or a garage sale.

I am referring to used mannequins and dress forms that you find a mannequin companies like Mannequin Madness and other companies that specialize in selling used mannequins. Companies like ours that recycle mannequins from national retail chains when they close or remodel.

The retailer Frank Meyer purchased them from us from for one of their stores in Idaho. We had recycled them from one of the national retailers we work with that you can see here. These mannequins were manufactured by WindowFrance one of the top mannequin manufacturers.

By purchasing them used, Frank Meyer was able to pay a fraction of what this brand of mannequin would cost new. And they are not sacrificing quality as these are much more durable than many of the new mannequins you can find at Amazon or Ebay.

Sometimes the mannequins we get from retailers that are closing are brand new in the original box. Or sometimes they were gently used by the retailer and they decided to update their collection. The average life span of a mannequin at a big retail chain is about 7 years.

So until biodegradable mannequins are an industry standard, consider buying used as a way to make the planet more green. It keeps mannequins our of landfills and is a way to participate in the circular economy.
